French Bulldog is a small dog that will steal your heart. They are tender and very playful animals, ideal to give you company and brighten your difficult days. However, they are also a breed that requires great attention and care from their owners.
Small size .
Weight : Between 8 and 14kg.
Hair type : Short.
Character : Affectionate, patient, friendly and suitable for adults and children.
Health : Possible congenital respiratory problems
Life expectancy : 10 to 14 years.
These little guys are incredible and if it comes down to it, you could spend a lifetime and never be able to do it. They make great pets, but there are a few things you should know before you decide to adopt one.
History and origin of the French Bulldog dog
The existence of the French Bulldog dates back to the times of the Roman Empire, however
it was accepted as a breed at the end of the 19th century . Originally the French Bulldog was a dog that diversified in England. Two trends were created among
English Bulldog breeders, just after animal fighting was prohibited; those who decided to combine this breed with the Terrier to make them agile and those who decided to breed a smaller species. This smaller species is what is known today as the French Bulldog. But at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, those who still continued to work with their hands went to France and with them these little ones. In France they had their greatest development and gained rapid popularity; situation contrary to what happened in England, where it was on the verge of disappearing. However, years later, they would return to their home country, this time as an established race. The French Bulldog came to America with wealthy Americans who traveled to France and ended up enchanted by the breed, totally new and never seen before for them. Between the last years of the 18th and 19th centuries, at least 300 French Bulldogs were brought annually from Europe to the United States and at a price of at least
$5,000 , a luxury that very few Americans could afford.
In the 1950s, the French Bulldog reached its highest level of popularity , years in which they began to stand out among kennel clubs and in pedigree competitions. In 1998, the centennial of the
French Bulldog Club of America was celebrated in Kansas City. Currently there are clubs and breeders of this breed all over the world, in countries such as Brazil, Canada, Australia and other latitudes, there are experts dedicated to its breeding.
Physical characteristics of the French Bulldog dog
Without a doubt, when you look at the French Bulldog, what will make you fall in love with them the most are their ears, these make them look more like a bat. Elongated and always standing forward, they are the main characteristic of these playful animals.
These little ones are a breed belonging to those known as molossers, which have very specific characteristics. Big muscles, great strength in the jaw, large head, but a small muzzle, just as you could describe a French Bulldog. Likewise, this category is subdivided into doge-type molossers and mountain-type molossers. In the bulldog type we find breeds such as the
boxer , the
Brazilian Fila , the
Bullmastiff , the
English Mastiff , the
Argentine Dogo , the Guatemalan Dogo, the Uruguayan Cimarrón. Mountain-type molossers are also similar in characteristics, but they have longer legs.
Saint Bernard , Spanish Mastiff, Central Asian Shepherd, Newfoundland. And then we can differentiate them into small-sized molossers, such as the
Bull Terrier ,
Pug ,
Boston Terrier or French Bulldog. The French Bulldog, despite being a
small breed , which must be kept
between 8 and 14 kilos , has a lot of strength, due to excellent bone formation that is accompanied by prominent muscles. The
French Bulldog's coat is short and some folds can be found on its body, as if they were excess skin, but which are actually another characteristic of this breed. Its tail, like its nose, is short. As for the eyes, they are generally dark, quite round and a little bulging. Due to the shape of its snout, the French Bulldog is considered a
brachycephalic dog , which in some cases could present diseases associated with its respiratory system. Likewise, their way of leveling their body temperature – like all dogs – is through their tongue, but this particular shape of the muzzle could complicate it a bit; so it is normal that on hot days the heat affects them a little more. As for the colors accepted by the breed standards, they are the common fawn, that is, a type of ocher with black hairs. Brindle, that is, a color darker than ocher, almost brown and with black edges. In both cases they also admit some white spots. The color white – completely – is also accepted, as long as they have black on the eyelids and snout. Another point to keep in mind is that the head of the French Bulldog is larger than the body, which is why at the time of birth, births tend to be somewhat traumatic. It is advisable to do it with an expert in the field to avoid major and unnecessary complications.
Character and personality of the French Bulldog dog
The French Bulldog is a friendly dog that likes to play and is an excellent companion for adults and children. Sometimes he tends to be a little stubborn, this is due to his origins as a hunting dog, however he does not have a dark past that you should fear, on the contrary, he is a reliable dog. French Bulldog females are usually highly protective of babies and are generally protective dogs with family and home.

They are the kind of dog that are, in a way, in love with you and you will also be in love with them, because of their smiling and comical way. They usually get along well with other pets, like cats for example. They are dogs with few barks, of course, when they are hungry, want something, perceive a strange situation or feel disconcerted, they will do it, although it will surely not be an overwhelming bark, their brachycephalic characteristic does not allow it. It is an intelligent dog, which is worth training, due to its rapid learning. The French Bulldog is highly affectionate and they are the kind of dog that will eagerly wait for you to come home from work to give you all their attention. The French Bulldog is a breed that tends to get more hours of sleep than the average dog, since it generally gets tired very quickly.
French Bulldog Puppies
The first months of a French Bulldog's life require extreme care, they are a delicate breed and even more so when they are puppies . First of all, you must take into account the temperature to which they are exposed, the ideal is between 22° and 26° Celsius . Keep in mind that temperature is the French Bulldog's Achilles heel, so sudden changes in temperature could affect him. It is recommended that you have a small nest with blankets for them and if you are in winter some heat bags would be recommended.
There are no problems with feeding, only if the puppies do not exceed the number of mothers. If in any case the litter is large, you should take turns so that all the little ones can eat. As they grow, the law of the strongest will be imposed and the weakest could go without food. This is exactly what we do not want, so try to make sure everyone is well fed. Make sure that the moment of weaning comes just when their first teeth have begun to emerge, that is the exact moment. Remember to give them specific food for puppies. Regarding the mother of the puppies, it is good to check that she gives milk, by squeezing her a little (without causing harm) on the breast you will be able to tell. Another point that you should watch out for is that the mother of the French Bulldog does not lie down and accidentally crush one. Make sure that all the puppies are in the same place and controlled, after three weeks they will begin to open their eyes and want to start investigating, you could let them do it, but under your supervision and after a while, protect them again. French Bulldogs are small and could easily get lost. Like other breeds, French Bulldogs need certain vaccines for their growth and health. Take them to the vet after a few weeks, no more than 5, and ensure that the necessary vaccines and dewormers are administered. Like the mother of the puppies who also requires care, remember that she has been exposed to great wear and tear and it would be unfortunate if her health declined. You must also be in charge of the hygiene of the puppies , a large part of this task is carried out by the mother of the French Bulldog, but if she does not do it, you must be there. The mother of the puppies must regularly lick the puppies' private parts to stimulate their physiological needs; If they don't, you could take a warm, wet towel and rub their abdomen, to accomplish the same function. Another point you should pay attention to is the attention you give them. Try not to burden them every moment - even if you want to do it all the time - it is preferable not to overwhelm them. Separating them from their mother is hard, try to make this happen after a month and a half or two months.
Food and health of the French Bulldog dog
Like other breeds, the French Bulldog needs a balanced diet and you must be extremely careful with this, they are not very active dogs and tend to gain weight easily. A high-quality light feed could be right for them.
Try to divide your dog food into two batches during the day. Also remember that their digestion is important, the French Bulldog tends to produce a lot of gas (read this article about gas in dogs). Try not to give them human food, their stomach is delicate and could affect them. From time to time a little fruit will do him a lot of good and he will thank you for it. Regarding its health, the French Bulldog needs extreme care, due to its natural complexion. Their breathing is very careful and if the days are hot, for them it will be double.
French Bulldog dog care
In general, the French Bulldog is a dog that does not like bathing, but you should be aware of its hygiene . For this reason, we recommend brushing its coat two or three times a week, this will help it stay clean and free of bacteria.
Clean their skin folds, where bacteria, ears, ears can accumulate, it is advisable to rub them with damp cloths, this is one of the advantages of their fur. As for their teeth, you can take a cloth or gauze and rub them on the oral area. You can also add a few drops of human rinse. Keep in mind that if you brush him regularly, he won't need frequent baths. It is advisable not to bathe the French Bulldog more than once a month.
Education and training of the French Bulldog
If you have a French Bulldog and you haven't tried to train him a little, you are wasting your time. You have a very intelligent dog at home.

The time to start training with them is between 8 and 16 weeks . The faster, the better. They are like children and learn very quickly. Doing so will guarantee you a well-adjusted and well-behaved adult French Bulldog. Actions such as standing still, sitting, or lying down are relatively easy to teach. You just have to put the leash on him and show him a treat, which could even be a treat, you could even let him lick it and then give him the command. Don't always use the treat, do it only when you want to teach him something new. Have a little patience, maybe on the first try he won't follow your orders, but with patience everything is achieved. Teaching him not to bite objects is very important, reprimand him when he does so he will understand that he should not do it.
You have your best friend at home, a French Bulldog, enjoy him and make his life pleasant, just as he does with you when he licks your face in search of your attention. You are his love and remember that for him you are practically his world and they will adore you, as much as you love them.
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