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Belgian Griffon - characteristics, history and care of these dogs

Grifón Belga - características, historia y cuidados de estos perros

Lobo Azul |

If you are thinking of adopting a new pet and are looking for an adorable and intelligent little friend, the Belgian Griffon dog breed may be the ideal option for you. It is one of the most fun, balanced and, without a doubt, dynamic species that exists within the canine world. If you like outdoor activities and are one of those who prefers to be in constant movement, this breed will adapt to your needs and will also be an excellent companion. But before making the final decision, we invite you to delve deeper into everything related to this pet. We will inform you about the origin, physical characteristics, care and behavior of the Belgian Griffon. After reading this article, you will surely not stop thinking about adopting one and making it your best friend.
  • Small size .
  • Weight : Between 3 and 6kg.
  • Hair type : Long, dense and straight.
  • Character : Sociable, faithful and active
  • Health : Healthy
  • Life expectancy : Between 14 and 16 years.

History of the Belgian Griffon

As its name indicates, it is a breed from Belgium and Europe . Its beginnings are related to a dog with similarities to the terrier breed, recognized as "Smousje" . The latter, considered an expert in rat hunting.
From the crossing of these animals with breeds such as Pugs and King Charles, the Belgian Griffon and the other two breeds with which it tends to be compared descended.
Its popularity in the countries of origin was such that the breeding and possession of this breed became associated with royalty. However, political and social conflicts endangered its life, reaching the point of almost imminent extinction. It was avoided thanks to the English population, who recovered the breed and allowed its expansion, although not with the same boom as from the beginning. Despite this, dogs of this breed still count as favorites for some people, who consider them companion dogs, due to their charming behavior and great agility when carrying out outdoor activities.
griffon terrier

Physical description of the Belgian Griffon

In general, the Belgian Griffon is often confused with the Brussels Griffon and the Petit Brabançon. This is because their physical characteristics share several similarities. In fact, the only aspect of their appearance that differentiates them is their fur. Next, we will detail the innate physical characteristics of the Belgian Griffon , so that distinguishing it is not so difficult for you.
Belgian Griffon care


Like the other two breeds mentioned, they have a robust body , where their chest stands out noticeably as it reaches approximately up to the animal's elbows. Although it is a small breed and low weight. Its size does not exceed 20 centimeters. While their weight is usually 3 to 6 kilograms, indefinitely depending on their sex.


It has a prominent head, although well proportioned for its size and build. This is considered one of the most notable characteristics of these animals. His forehead is prominent, his eyes are dark, large and rounded. In addition, his nose is small, black. For their part, the ears are separated and are shaped like a small triangle.


Denoting in most cases a state of permanent alert or joy, the tail of the Belgian Griffon is finely built and is always raised.


We have reached the point of difference between the three varieties of dogs (Belgian Griffon, Brussels Griffon and the Petit Brabançon) and that is that, in the case of the Belgian Griffon, it is short but very thick , which allows it to stay warm in cold seasons. . Sometimes it has slight waves. The coat colors tend to be mostly black and tan . However, combinations of these two colors and a third red-brown combination may appear.


It is a breed that, in general, has a very positive character. Friendly, loyal, attentive, dynamic, intelligent and very active at practically all times are some of the main characteristics that surround the behavior of the Belgian Griffon . However, these characteristics will depend largely on the training the dog receives. If not properly educated, they can adopt aggressive behaviors at inappropriate times. In some cases, these dogs may exhibit nervousness, although this is rare. Socialization with other animals is not so easy for our friend because they may feel invaded and mistakenly attack whoever they believe to be their adversary, because despite their small size, they have great courage. If there is something about their character that needs to be taken care of, it is that there is a risk of developing destructive behavior or anxiety due to feeling alone or rejected. Therefore, reinforcing your personality by giving you company is very useful. If you notice that a dog of this breed begins to bark frequently, exhibits negative behaviors or acts of rebellion such as causing destruction, it may be a symptom associated with loneliness. Therefore it is important that you feel accompanied . In general, these types of dogs are ideal as pets for young or adult people who enjoy outdoor activities and have enough time to dedicate care and attention to them. This type of dog can adapt to small spaces, however, proper training is ideal so that it does not adopt inappropriate behaviors within these areas.

Belgian Griffon Training

As mentioned previously, the education of the Belgian Griffon is essential for the development of appropriate behavior in any context. It is a brave breed of dog, so it is easy for it to generate rebellious behavior if not trained properly. Within education, the issue of socialization with other people or animals is elementary. In general, these dogs tend to follow a single person, but if properly trained they will recognize at least the individuals closest to their owner. For the rest, it is a dog breed of great intelligence and attention , as long as training is adopted, where shouting or punishment is completely eliminated. In this way, it is very likely that the education process will be largely satisfactory for those involved. It is worth remembering that the importance of positive reinforcement, recognizing the good actions that these dogs perform at the time of training, will make them feel motivated and will improve their good behaviors until they are permanent.

Belgian Griffon Health

A point in favor of the Belgian Griffon is the good health they generally enjoy . That's right, both this breed and its sister breeds, the Brussels Griffon and the Petit Brabançon, are characterized by being very healthy. However, there are some pathologies that can sometimes affect them and whose early prevention is possible. Among them, eye diseases stand out due to the prominent size of their eyes (cataracts, eye injuries, distichiasis...)
train belgian griffon
The average lifespan of these canines can be up to 16 years , so you will enjoy their antics for a long time. If you offer him the right care and maintain his good health, your furry friend will be by your side for many years.

Belgian Griffon Care

As with other dog breeds, the care of the Belgian Griffon will determine not only the dog's quality of life, but also its life expectancy. If we adopt a dog of this breed and want to keep it in optimal conditions for a long time, it is important to consider the following basic care.


We must remember that this is a small dog, so rationing the food in appropriate quantities with high-quality feed for this type of breed is ideal . Saturating them with food can cause a stomach problem, although, as mentioned above, they are in optimal health, it is true that diseases of this type could appear.

Attention and affection

If you want to prevent the dog from suffering from depression or rebellion due to loneliness, you must give it a lot of affection and, above all, company. These are conditions that cannot be missing. An important detail is that, although it is an animal that loves outdoor activities, we must ensure that it does not feel excluded from the family unit. As? letting him live inside the home. For this, training is essential if you want to maintain order.

Bath and hygiene

The bath will be done once a month or when the dog is really dirty. This will be enough. However, maintaining their fur goes further. And brushing should be done at least three times a week, so that the hair is kept free of dryness. In addition, because it has a thick coat, dead hair must be removed from its body.

Activity and Exercise

Another important topic in our friend's life is physical activity . You can not miss. Let's remember that this is a very active and dynamic breed, so it needs to exercise to prevent anxiety or rebellion. A daily walk or some play time during the day will be well received by this canine.
belgium griffon

Take care of very high temperatures

Although it has a thick coat, it runs the risk of irritating its snout in cold temperatures or from excessive exercise. This commonly happens in dogs with shortened or small mouths. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid exercising it excessively and in cold seasons , so that it remains healthy in this regard.

Medical visits

Medical check-ups, compliance with the vaccination schedule and deworming cannot be missed and are essential for the good health of any pet . In addition, it is worth mentioning that it is important to pay due attention to the dog's eyes at each visit, adopting preventive behavior against the possible appearance of diseases associated with this.


Although the Belgian Griffon is not as well known today as it was in the beginning, it continues to be one of the most favorable options for those who enjoy outdoor activities and have valuable time to dedicate to their pet. We remember that company and signs of affection are a very important factor in the care of this breed, because if we do not provide the necessary time and dedication, they may generate negative behaviors, anxiety and nervousness. This is a really intelligent , dynamic and easy to train dog. But he is also very strong and brave , despite his tiny size and weight, so he should not be underestimated. On the contrary, it does not fear its opponents and may even mistakenly attack if it feels invaded or threatened. Therefore, adequate training will help you adopt an appropriate character and be more sociable with those close to you. In this way, adapting it to a home with children is a matter of time, patience and perseverance. Positive reinforcement will help make the process easier. It is undoubtedly an ideal pet, with a remarkable state of health and a lot of energy and love for its owners.
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