Among the different dog breeds, there are some that are characterized by their beauty and elegance. While others stand out for their abilities for different activities such as hunting, or other more dynamic ones. In the case of the
Vizsla or Hungarian Pointer , it has both qualities.
Medium size .
Weight : Between 18 and 29kg.
Hair type : Curly and long.
Character : Affectionate, Energetic, Loyal, Quiet, Gentle
Health : Healthy
Life expectancy : Between 12 and 15 years.
An extroverted dog, attractive for its physical appearance and great energy that make it an ideal pet for various outdoor plans, sports or simply as a companion dog. A dog of ancient origin, especially used for hunting in the beginning and later for other activities that, until now, have characterized it as a multifaceted dog with excellent temperament. That is why they enjoy the favoritism of the population. If you are thinking of adopting a dog of this breed, be sure to know all the details about them. Discover the most important aspects needed to maintain the good condition of this particular breed.
Origin of the Vizsla
The history of the Vizsla is a topic that has generated different theories. Firstly, it has been established that the beginnings of these dogs date back to the 9th century. However, there are other positions that reject this. What is documented is that the Vizsla, the national breed of Hungary, is one of the oldest dogs in existence. Currently, there are records of the appearance of the breed in the 16th century, canines with very close similarities to the Hungarian Pointer.

But it was around the 18th century when these canines began to be considered in society as excellent hunting animals and as pointing dogs. In both cases, he stood out exponentially, so his favoritism soon spread. The Second World War had a notable impact on the disappearance of the breed. This event hindered its expansion for a long time. But, thanks to the persistence of breeders in this country, the breed was recovered. Some time later, around 1936, the
International Cynological Federation officially recognized this canine as a breed. The Hungarian Shorthaired Pointer has established itself as an imposing breed in its country, due to its excellent hunting and showing skills and as an
animal very suitable for company and outdoor activities .
Physical characteristics of the Hungarian Pointer
The elegant, athletic and fine appearance of the breed is one of the most outstanding aspects of its physical characteristics. These dogs have an aristocratic appearance that, added to their yellowish seed color, and their fine but visibly strong build, give them beauty and firmness. The physical appearance of this dog is one of the qualities that make it very attractive in the eyes of its potential breeders. Below we will see in detail its physical characteristics.

This is considered a giant-sized dog. Their height at the withers reaches between 58 and 64 centimeters high in the case of males. Meanwhile, females can vary their weight from 54 to 60 centimeters. The weight of these dogs is also influenced by their sex. Females weigh between 20 and 30 kilograms. In the case of males, their weight ranges from 22 to 32 kilos. Making them a dog that is not very robust in appearance, but muscular and strong enough.
head and face
Although the head is thin, its skull gives it a strong appearance, as it is voluminous, wide and well proportioned. It has a pronounced nose, similar in color to the coat of these dogs. Harmoniously complemented with the rest of your face. In the case of the muzzle, it is not outstanding. On the contrary, it is blunt. Its eyes are oval in shape, medium and deep. But with a bold look. They are usually seen in dark colors, brown being the most common of them. The ears of these dogs are set low, medium in size and, generally, hanging; elongated to the cheeks.

Its tail, like its ears, is set low. Although it looks thick at the base, as it lengthens it becomes narrower and long enough to graze your hock. When the dog is moving or happy, its tail remains erect in a curiously horizontal manner.
Living up to its name, the Hungarian Shorthaired Pointer has a thick coat, but completely tight to its skin. Quite dense and hard. Its body is completely covered by this same layer of hair. It does not have an internal coverage, so this type of coat is what protects it in cold climates. These dogs generally come in any shade of yellowish seed. On rare occasions a small white spot appears on his chest, although it is not very attractive.
Hungarian Pointer Temperament
As mentioned, both the physical appearance and the character of this dog are aspects that stand out in society's preference for them. As for temperament, it is a dog with a very easy-going character. Cheerful, friendly,
energetic and attentive are the main qualities that characterize this beautiful dog breed . Furthermore, it is necessary to point out the intelligence and curiosity that characterizes them, so training will not be so difficult. The loyalty of the Hungarian Pointer will not be lacking at any time. These dogs, although they are independent and dynamic, establish very close relationships with their immediate environment. He is
protective of his family , affectionate and loves to enjoy games or activities with his human loved ones.

They are very active dogs, so it is very easy to sign them up for a canine sport. Especially if it involves swimming, as they love to immerse themselves in the water. Regarding coexistence with other animals, these dogs are generally not aggressive. However, it is important to remember that it is a hunting dog, that is, it can pursue smaller animals. In any case, it is necessary that you receive adequate training to avoid problems related to this issue. Living with other people is not uncomfortable for you. However, at first approach the dog may be somewhat reticent, because it is not one to gain confidence very quickly. Especially if you perceive any dangerous situation.
Training the Vizsla or Hungarian Pointer
Although the Hungarian Pointer or Vizsla is a friendly dog, it is necessary
to resort to training to improve aspects such as hunting and overprotection of its family members. To do this, it is essential to begin this teaching process with socialization at an early age. Because they are
very intelligent and attentive dogs , it will be easy to train them properly. We must consider that we are talking about a very sensitive dog, that is, it can have a negative reaction to episodes of violence or inappropriate punishments. These dogs do not respond to conventional training. In other words, forced orders, punishments or mistreatment do not provide good results. On the contrary, canine behavior is really harmed.

Clicker training and using positive reinforcement is an essential element to ensure that these dogs adopt appropriate behaviors and receive adequate training for their well-being. It is important to remember that these are dynamic dogs, with a behavior full of energy and, above all, very restless. For this reason, they need an excessive amount of exercise and, in addition, outdoor spaces where they can run and release all their energy. If they do not receive this, they could adopt destructive behaviors and even suffer from anxiety and negative behaviors.
Vizsla Health
Their state of health is not an issue that should worry their masters. This is because it is a formidable dog in terms of health and energy. However, it is not exempt from the appearance of some hereditary diseases. Progressive retinal dystrophy, craniomandibular osteopathy, hemophilia A, hip dysplasia, skin allergies and epilepsy are some of the conditions that can alter the health of this dog breed. Although these are rare diseases, the hereditary aspect becomes very strong. Therefore, it is advisable to provide these dogs with adequate attention and care to ensure that their health is the best possible until at least their 14-year life expectancy.
Care of the Hungarian Pointer
The care required by the Hungarian Pointer or Vizsla is basic. However, like any other pet, their well-being will depend absolutely on them. For this reason, the owner of this breed must know him perfectly, only in this way will he ensure that he remains properly cared for. First of all, it is important to highlight that the practice of exercises, sports and walks in open spaces are essential to ensure the good health of this breed. This dog demands considerable attention in this aspect, because, otherwise, it can be depressed or aggressive, due to confinement. Intelligence games combined with sports such as dog swimming or long walks, at least three times a day, will be the most recommended for this breed to stay in good physical and mental condition.

It is also important to consider that these dogs do not easily adapt to life in small spaces, such as an apartment, because they prefer to stay outdoors. So it is good to consider this issue before adoption. As for bathing, these dogs do not require much attention in the care of their hair. Mainly because they have a short, thick coat that can be cleaned at least every month or when it is really dirty. Another of the necessary care for the breed is deworming and vaccination when appropriate. This, in addition to strengthening its health, will help the veterinarian detect if there is any irregularity in the canine's well-being. We must go to the vet at least every 6 months.
Without a doubt, the Vizsla or Hungarian Pointer is one of the most suitable canines for lovers of energetic pets with excellent temperament. The company of these canines will be full of affection, joy and a lot of entertainment, as it will require most of their owners' time. A dog with excellent skills for hunting and other sports such as hiking. He will be an excellent companion. In addition to protecting its human relatives, it will provide them with loyalty and lots of fun. Although little known outside their country of origin,
these dogs are highly valued as excellent pets and show dogs . Well, obedience, intelligence and docility are part of its excellent qualities. Make sure you take proper care of it if you want to extend its lifespan as long as possible.
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