Brie Shepherd dog is a specimen belonging to one of the oldest French breeds and is part of a large group of European shepherd breeds. It is also known as
Briard (as it is called in English) or Berger de Brie, and is related to the Beauce Shepherd or Beauceron, from which it was differentiated only until the end of the last century when P. Ménguin determined a difference in the coat, indicating that The Brie is long-haired, while the Beauce breed has short hair. Like all European dog breeds, this shepherd also has an interesting history.
Big size .
Weight : Between 23 and 41kg.
Hair type : Curly and long.
Character : Intelligent, Faithful, Fearless, Loyal, Obedient, Protective
Health : Predisposition to certain diseases
Life expectancy : Between 10 and 12 years.
Origin of the Briard
The evolution of the Brie Shepherds is said to come from the
Brie region, France , and the furry ones that share their lineage live in various areas, from the Balkans to Scotland. It is a descendant of the sheepdog breeds that were found on the plains of the Paris Basin.

An excellent guard and companion dog
This breed of dog has been used for many generations as a herding dog and as a guard dog, even during times marked by war. But thanks to its friendly character, it has become and is currently highly appreciated as one of the guard and companion dogs par excellence. The Brie Shepherd is identified with one of those breeds that transmit a lot of calm and tranquility. They are super affectionate animals with their owners and, especially, with the little ones in the house, with whom they share and show great tolerance for carrying out any type of activity. Furthermore,
they are very loyal to their owners .
Behavior of the Brie Shepherd
Dogs of this breed are primarily working dogs, however, they currently also make excellent companion pets. Since it was known, it has been used basically as a shepherd dog, but also as a guard, defense, rescue animal and even as a guide dog. They have a great capacity to fulfill their herding role. In fact, there are those who claim that two or three dogs of this breed can easily control large quantities of animals, around 500 to 700 head of livestock. When used as surveillance and defense dogs, these magnificent specimens are very attentive to what is happening around them and are always ready to take action in case the area they must guard is subject to invasion by an unknown person. . Despite their rustic nature, the excess of energy and even rebellion that characterizes them, they are very intelligent, sensitive and happy dogs. Therefore, it is important to channel all these traits by educating them correctly, to achieve an excellent and harmonious coexistence with them. And, a very important aspect due to their great sensitivity, is that they require demonstrations of large doses of affection and you must make them feel the pleasure of living in a home with a family.

Brie Shepherd Temperament
Those who breed this breed know its temperament perfectly and, for these people, it is especially important to make the most of this great treasure of qualities that characterize the Briard. This beautiful animal has great mental balance and, despite being an excellent guard dog, does not demonstrate aggressive behavior. As for his way of relating to people close to him, he is not a shy dog. In addition, he shows a lot of self-confidence, he is very strong and really fearless. His tenacity and intelligence allow him to learn very quickly and easily. Thanks to its temperament, it is possible to train it to develop the great traits that this breed of dog has. It can become a versatile canine such as a guide dog, a search and rescue dog, a therapy dog, a detector of illegal substances and even an effective police dog.
Physical appearance
As for its appearance, it is a rustic but very well proportioned, flexible and muscular dog. Its body structure is of a medium size and its measurements range between 55 to 68 centimeters in height, measured at the withers. Perhaps the size is a little bigger if you measure from the ischium to the end of the shoulders. Its weight can reach up to more than 30 kilos. These dogs have dark eyes, which are usually covered by their hairy eyebrows. Their average life expectancy is between twelve and fourteen years.

The peculiar fur coat of the Briard
This dog's distinctive feature is its hair. In fact, he has an abundant coat on his face and fur on his chin that turns into a beard. This coat is made up of a type of hair very similar to “goat hair”. Its coat is long, wavy, dry, soft and has an undercoat of fine, thick hair, which serves as protection against the cold and also gives it more volume. The coat can be found in various colors, but never white. A coat in gray, black and blue tones can be combined with slightly lighter areas and there are also fawn tones. On the other hand, gray tones are quite common in combination with any other color mentioned. For experienced Brie Shepherd breeders who are interested in improving the breed,
the coat represents one of the most important aspects that requires the most care. In fact, they have to maintain a standard in size, that is, they must have a length of seven centimeters or more and not be straight or woolly. If they do not meet the ideal characteristics, they are set aside and cannot be used to proliferate the breed.

Care of the Brie Shepherd
The Brie Shepherd's coat is relatively easy to care for, compared to other similar breeds. This is due to the rustic and strongly textured mantle that covers it, even though it is long and abundant. But, equally, it is important to maintain a care routine to avoid damage to the coat. It should not be washed very often, but it should be brushed with a hard textured brush.
When bathing your Brie Shepherd, you can use a shampoo with the appropriate pH to keep its hair hydrated and, if necessary, a conditioner can be included in the process to prevent and undo knots. It is important to focus on the undercoat, which must be well soaped, free of knots and, when rinsing, care must be taken to completely remove the applied products. Any remains left on the dog's coat can cause dermatitis or any other problem on the animal's skin. Don't forget that it is a breed with a double coat of hair, so it retains a lot of liquid and soap.

Brie Shepherd Brushing
The hair on the head, cheeks, beard, eyebrows and ears should be brushed firmly with a metal-toothed comb, but taking care not to pull out the hair. While, to brush the body, start with the undercoat with a metal bristle brush and by hand, to ensure that this area is free of knots. Then, with a metal-toothed but wider comb, brush the cover coat, being very careful not to break it and eliminating any tangles that appear. And, to care for the tail, a comb should also be used to smooth the fringes.
Ear and paw care
The ears of the Brie Shepherd Dog are one of the parts of a sheepdog's body that require the most care. Therefore, its cleaning is essential. First of all, you must keep the ear canal free of hair and, to clean the inside of the canal, there are cleaners available on the market that come in liquid or powder form. Finally, for the outermost area, you can use wet wipes designed especially for this purpose. To care for the paws, you should brush in the opposite direction of hair growth, with a metal card, to easily remove particles and dirt accumulated on the feet. Once the paws are clean and tangle-free, comb them down to restore the natural shape of their hair. Finally, you should keep the nails short to avoid mobility difficulties for the dog. They should be cut crosswise and being careful not to reach the fleshy part of the nail.

Brie Shepherd Feeding
This very active and large breed of dog requires a specific balance of nutrients, so they must eat a diet rich in vitamins, minerals and mainly proteins, especially from meat, in order to guarantee the health of the muscular system of the dog. dog. And, for the well-being of your skin and coat, as well as some organs, it is also necessary to focus on the quality of fatty acids and fats. On the other hand, you must control your partner's great appetite, since he is prone to stomach problems such as distension of the organ. Therefore, a good technique to avoid stomach problems is to provide reduced portions more frequently.
The health of the Brie Shepherd
This is a breed of dog that
generally enjoys good health . However, like many other breeds but very infrequently, there can be cases of hip dysplasia, which can lead to mobility problems or hereditary eye diseases, such as retinal pigment epithelium dystrophy or stationary night blindness. On the other hand, there is a more serious health problem that this breed is prone to suffer from, stomach torsion. In any case, it is advisable to subject the puppies to medical examinations to rule out any of these conditions and take the appropriate actions if they suffer from them. Likewise, the best thing to do is to go to the veterinarian for the ideal treatment that the animal requires in case of any disease and, of course, for the control and treatment of routine vaccination and deworming.
Training and exercise
It can be said that the Brie Shepherd is a dog that can be adopted by any type of person. However, whoever decides to have it as a pet must consider that this dog needs the dedication and company of its owners to carry out the necessary physical activity that allows it to satisfy all its energy. But, although he loves living outdoors, he also loves sharing moments inside the house, with his family. It should be noted that a person who is starting out in the world of pets, and especially those who have a dog for the first time, may need a little support from someone with experience to start training these dogs. But, with a little information, you will surely not find any major difficulties in training this beautiful canine.

To develop and take advantage of all the qualities of the Brie Shepherd,
adequate training is totally necessary . Many experts in the world of dog training consider that this breed learns a little slower compared to other shepherd breeds, but this is because they require greater concentration and analysis to protect the animals in their care. The best thing to do is to start training when they are puppies and always firmly, but with tenderness and patience, since these dogs in their “adolescence” stage tend to be dominant and challenging. So, the goal is to teach them to socialize properly, and in this way, you will have a manageable and obedient pet companion. Regardless of the age of the dog, the training of the Brie Shepherd must begin quickly and be constant. On the other hand, you must consider that these dogs do not respond to severe techniques used for their training, nor do they adapt to injustice or excesses of authority. On the contrary, in these types of circumstances they could develop aggressive behavior. If you are lucky enough to train a dog of this breed from a newborn, you must teach it to socialize from the first moment and, in this way, you will be able to have a more versatile dog, teaching it from search and rescue tasks to protection and police dog work. .
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