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How to remove rheum from our dog

Cómo quitarle las legañas a nuestro perro

Lobo Azul |

Rheumatism is common in dogs. Although some eye secretions occur normally, there are others that are related to health problems that can be serious. Pet owners should be aware of the types of discharge and pay attention to determine when veterinary intervention is necessary. Below we present the most common types of rheum , their causes and some treatment options to know how to remove rheum from our dog.

Types of rheumatism in dogs

Rheumatism may indicate a minor eye discharge or be caused by infections, allergies, or glaucoma. Among the legañas that tend to occur most frequently are:
clean dogs eyes

Legañas with a little crust

Tears help maintain the health of the dog's eyes , because they oxygenate and nourish the cornea, in addition to removing debris from the duct. For this reason, sometimes the tear duct, located in the inner corner of the eye, accumulates a little crust. These are dried tears, oil, mucus, dead cells, dust and others. In the mornings it is noticed more frequently and there is nothing wrong with it.

How to remove them?

Remove this crust with a damp cloth. Check that the eyes are not red and that the dog does not show signs of ocular discomfort, such as squinting, blinking, constant rubbing, or sensitivity to light. A small amount after sleeping is normal, but if you notice a worsening, consult your veterinarian.

Clear and watery legañas

These blemishes, known as epiphora , constitute excessive discharge from the eyes and are related to various causes, from normal to serious. They are caused by allergies, incursion of foreign objects, some anatomical anomaly, injuries to the cornea, blockage of the tear ducts or glaucoma.

How to remove them?

If you notice that your dog's tearing increases, but once the eyes are normal and the pet does not show discomfort, observe the situation in detail. The canine may have been in contact with dust and tearing seeks to solve the problem. However, if the epiphora continues or other symptoms appear, consult a professional.
leganas dog treatment

Reddish brown legañas

Light-skinned dogs often develop reddish-brown rheumatism in their eyes, because tears contain porphyrin , a pigment that takes on that color after prolonged exposure to air. When no other problems occur, this is normal and does not indicate illness .

How to remove them?

To minimize these blemishes and improve your dog's appearance, there are several solutions. You can wipe the eye area constantly with a cloth moistened with warm water or an eye cleansing solution. Another option is to trim the fur around the eyes. It is also recommended to add a nutritional supplement without antibiotics to the diet that reduces spots. It takes several months for these rheum stains to disappear. Note that if the amount of discharge increases or if the eyes become red and the dog shows pain, an eye examination is necessary.

White or gray legañas

Conjunctivitis develops when the immune system attacks and destroys the glands that produce tears, causing dry eyes. As tear production decreases, the dog's body secretes rheum to keep the eyes lubricated . This mucus does not replace all the functions of tears, so the eyes become red and painful, and ulcers and abnormal corneal pigmentation can develop.

How to remove them?

If grayish-white blemishes accumulate around the dog's eyes, you should schedule an appointment with the veterinarian. A simple procedure is performed to identify the exact cause and assign treatment. Most dogs respond well to treatment, which may involve artificial tears and other medications. On the other hand, there is surgery that should be reserved for those cases in which medical treatment is not successful.

Yellow or green legañas

When dogs' eye discharge is yellow or green, there is usually an eye infection, especially if redness and discomfort appear. These infections develop as a primary problem or as a result of another condition, whether corneal wounds or dry eyes, among others. A weakening of the eye's natural defenses against infections occurs.

How to remove them?

What appears to be an eye infection may be a sign of systemic disease or a problem affecting the respiratory tract, nervous system, or another part of the body. If green rheumatism occurs in dogs, they should be seen by a veterinarian as soon as possible.

How to apply medicine to the dog's eyes

Treatment for eye problems that cause blemishes usually includes drops or ointments prescribed by a veterinarian. By paying attention to the following tips you can easily apply them without complications:
  • Clean any rheumatism or discharge around the dog's eyes with warm water and a cloth or cotton ball.
  • Tilt your dog's head slightly to apply the drops . Then rest your hand on your pet's head so it doesn't move and apply the drops to the top of the eye.
  • If you are applying a cream or ointment, lower your lower eyelid and apply the medication, being careful not to let the dog move.
  • Gently open and close your eyelids for a few seconds to help spread the ointment or drops evenly .

Prevention of rheumatism in dogs

Prevention is the best method to treat blemishes in dogs . Check that the pupils are the same size and that the eyes are bright, without scabs or reddened irises. There should be no wounds and the eyelids should be pink, not red or white. To keep your dog's eyes bright and healthy without blemishes , make sure the fur does not touch the eyes and avoid using irritating soaps or shampoos. If you see something abnormal, there could be a problem and you need to call a veterinarian. You can also read:
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