Summer and high temperatures bring with them a hot feeling, not only for people, but also for animals. It is not strange to see our pets consume more water than usual or simply take advantage of every draft of air to cool off. In this article we will teach you
how to make homemade ice cream for dogs .
Are there homemade ice creams for dogs?
This question is easy to answer, especially for animal lovers, since they have found a way to bring the best of our customs to the animal world. Always taking into account the health and well-being, in this case, of the puppies. And of course the answer is yes.

Before starting with any traditional preparation, you should keep in mind that
ice cream for humans is not suitable for canines . This has a logical explanation, since they contain too much sugar and other components that can cause your pet to have health complications. From diarrhea to a considerable increase in glucose levels. That is why we must take into account all
foods suitable for hounds . Some of the ingredients that can be used without problems to prepare this dessert are:
- Apple
- Pumpkin
- Watermelon
- Green beans
- Melon
- Strawberries
- Peanut
- Banana
- Pear

Although there are other ingredients that can be used, they are the most common for this type of preparations. It is always advisable to go to the veterinarian to guide you better on this issue of feeding. Just as there are
ingredients that provide energy and vitamins to your dog , there are some that, in some way, can affect their health. Raisins, tomatoes, grapes or onions are a good example of what our puppy should not eat, especially in large quantities.
Homemade ice cream recipes for dogs
Many people like to pamper their pet by preparing special meals. Ice cream is a clear example of this. To prepare them does not require much cooking skill, just a couple of basic ingredients are enough to make a good appetizer.
Fruit ice cream for dogs
If it's summer and your dog is feeling a little hot,
there's nothing better than fruit ice cream . It is necessary to better inform yourself about the
benefits they offer and especially the risks you run by including unusual or excessive foods in your pet's diet.
- 2 cups of fruits
- 4 cups of water
- Cinnamon
- ½ cup of natural yogurt (without sugar or sweeteners)
To start the preparation you just have to blend the fruits of your choice by adding water. Once blended, add ½ cup of natural liquid yogurt. It should be noted that yogurt
cannot have any type of sweetener or coloring , as it can harm your puppy.

With the yogurt integrated into the mixture, add the cinnamon and freeze it. We recommend serving large cube-shaped portions to prevent your dog from swallowing the entire ice cream. If you want, you can hold it with your hand while you eat it.
Peanut and green bean ice cream
Peanuts have a
natural fat content that can be beneficial for your dog. Its smell is quite characteristic and easily attracts dogs.
- ½ cup peeled peanuts (unsalted)
- 2 cups of natural yogurt
- ½ cup green beans
- Water (optional)
The recipe is simple, you just have to blend all the ingredients until it has an appropriate consistency. If you want to dilute the yogurt in water, it is totally valid. Once all the products are integrated, freeze and serve in large pieces.
Red fruit ice cream
Strawberries and watermelon are one of
the best fruits for dogs . They cool your puppy on those hot summer days.
- 2 cups of strawberries
- 2 kg of watermelon
- Water
This is perhaps
the simplest recipe to prepare . You just have to blend the strawberries and watermelon (without seeds), adding the water little by little until you have a sufficiently liquid consistency. It should be noted that watermelon contains a lot of liquids, and that is why you should add the water little by little. If you want to enhance the flavor or smell, you can add more strawberries so that your pup feels more attracted to the ice cream. Once all the ingredients have been blended, take it to the freezer and serve it in large pieces, the size of your fist to get an idea. This will prevent your dog from swallowing the ice cream whole.
ice cream with cookies
Dog biscuits can also be included in homemade ice cream. A good reason to add them is their
nutritional value and the smell that many puppies like.
- dog biscuits
- Natural yogurt
- Water
- Cinnamon (optional)
The process is simple, to begin with, you must dilute the natural yogurt in water to obtain a more liquid consistency. Then, proceed to integrate the cookies into a blender to crush them while adding the yogurt little by little. Finish with a teaspoon of cinnamon to give greater presence and smell. Although cinnamon is not necessary, we always recommend camouflaging strong odors with spices that help your dog differentiate the good from the bad. Cinnamon also helps the animal's immune system without forgetting that
it regulates the digestive system .
Benefits of homemade ice cream for puppies
By making your own ice cream, you will be sure to know all the ingredients you are using and
you will not endanger your dog's health . Most packaged or frozen products have preservatives or colorings that do nothing for your furry best friend's well-being. Although dogs are carnivores and fruits, vegetables or ice cream are not included in their diet,
it is good to include them discreetly . This way you will help complement all those nutrients that traditional dog food does not have. Another point is the variety and economical nature of
natural products . They can be found in any supermarket without problems. Simplicity is its great advantage. If you still don't know how to make homemade ice cream for dogs, don't hesitate to write to us. We are always attentive to your requests.
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