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Chinese Crested - Discover this characteristic dog

Crestado Chino - Descubre a este característico perro

Lobo Azul |

Adopting a pet for the first time always requires a big commitment. From the first moment the new companion will require attention, love and certain special care depending on his race that must be met to ensure his well-being. Therefore, we present to you the Chinese Crested:
  • Small size .
  • Weight : Maximum 5 and 7kg (There is no defined standard in this breed.
  • Hair type : Long, abundant hair.
  • Character : Friendly.
  • Health : Healthy
  • Life expectancy : 13 to 15 years.

To a greater or lesser extent, some breeds require more demanding treatment than others, because they may have more sensitive physical or emotional characteristics, requiring greater attention. If it is the first time you adopt a puppy, it is advisable to lean towards a canine with a docile, happy and intelligent personality, as this will facilitate adaptation to a routine accompanied by this small canine companion. One of the most suitable is the Chinese Crested dog . Characteristic for its appearance and personality, this is an ideal canine as a companion for any home . His intelligence and attention span make him easily adapt to any place and people. Although they require special care for their hair, especially one of the two varieties that can be found, it is a canine whose education and maintenance is easy. Do you want to know everything about this animal? In the following article we will develop all the information about its origin, education, health and the care that this small canine requires to stay in a home.

History of the Chinese Crested

The origin of the Chinese crested dog is little known. In fact, there are no complete records about its beginnings. However, some data have emerged over time to provide greater clarity to the history of this canine. This is a very old breed of dog , since around the 13th century the existence of these dogs was already known in China, a country where they were used as rodent hunters on merchant ships.

Their particular appearance and character allowed centuries later, the Chinese crested to be known outside what is presumed to be their country of origin. It arrived in Europe in the 19th century, making a favorable impression on Western society, which began the promotion of the breed throughout the continent. Currently, this dog is still little known in different parts of the world. However, it has been progressively and slowly climbing in levels of popularity, being recognized as an excellent companion canine thanks to its personality, intelligence and the basic care it deserves.

Physical characteristics of the Chinese Crested

If there is something that distinguishes the Chinese Crested from other dogs, it is its physical appearance. The first thing you should know is that this breed has two varieties that can appear in the same litter. The powderpuff , whose main characteristic is its veil-like fur that runs over its entire body. And the hairless , the latter, as its name indicates, has most of its body uncovered and only has a pronounced concentration of fur on the legs, head and the tip of the tail. The second of this variety is generally the most common, and it is believed that this transformation occurred in South America and Africa, where it is best known. In general, both canines have the same characteristics: small, with subtle and light proportions, with a body that is minimally longer than it is tall.

Let's look at some of the most notable characteristics of these canines:

Weight and size

The Chinese Crested is characterized by being small in size . According to the International Cynological Federation (FCI), the male standard should not exceed 33 centimeters, while females could reach up to 30 centimeters in height at the withers. In relation to weight, there is no indication within the FCI standard about the limit dimensions that these canines must reach with their weight. However, it is not recommended that this breed exceed between 5 to 7 kilograms in weight . Let us remember that this is a small dog and being overweight could affect its physical development and, therefore, its health.


In both varieties the head is triangular in shape. Although the base of the skull is slightly round in shape. Although it is a small dog, its consistency is strong and formidable. The eyes of these canines are medium-sized, dark in color and oval in shape. The nose is one of the most outstanding aspects of its face, usually black in color, however, it can vary in each specimen. Although there are notable differences between powderpuffs and hairless ones, one of the most notable is their ears. In the former, hanging, triangular and low-set ears may occur. While in the second species, erect ears are more common, although they are still triangular in shape and have the same insertion.


Unlike the ears, the tail of the Chinese Crested is completely set high. They are specimens that stand out with their thin, straight and long tail, characteristic for being wider at the base and reducing its thickness towards the tip. When engaged in activities such as running, walking or playing, the tail remains noticeably high, while when at rest, it hangs naturally, without curling around the back or between the legs. In powderpuff canines, the tail is completely covered by their fur, so it is not visible completely. While in hairless specimens, abundant strands of hair are only observed at the tip of the head.


As we have already mentioned, there are two varieties in which the fur is the main distinction: In the case of the powderpuff , it is abundant fur all over its body , which transforms into a double coat. That is, these canines are able to withstand climatic changes of high and low temperatures, as they have two layers of hair that will protect them from strong sunlight or inclement cold. On the contrary, the hairless, whose name indicates that it is a canine with a notable lack of coat , except for specific places where pronounced tufts are visible. The head, similar to a crest, the tail, and the legs, giving an appearance as if it were wearing socks. In the latter, the skin is more exposed and highly sensitive, characterized by being delicate and slightly rough. In relation to color, within its varieties, all colors and even combinations between them are accepted. This makes it common to find white dogs with spots of different colors.

Chinese Crested Behavior

One of the favorable points of this breed is, without a doubt, its character. His personality is described as docile, happy and above all very pleasant . His loyalty is undeniable, especially with a person nearby, whom he will consider his owner and friend, and from whom it will be very difficult to separate. These canines have a very friendly behavior , although they can be shy at times. However, they tend to remain alert to events around them much of the time. Coexistence with other animals and people is generally not a problem, since its docility makes it easy for this dog to adapt to sharing space with others. However, when they have not received the correct education, these dogs can adopt an inappropriate attitude. Although they are not aggressive, they will stay away on the first occasions, fearful of integrating into coexistence. This will not be a problem if an adequate education is carried out where socialization is the fundamental basis. In general, Chinese Cresteds do not present behavioral problems of any kind, they adapt easily to new spaces and are obedient and intelligent , so training will end up being a simple topic, ideal for those who do not have much experience in the subject. Of pets. They are energetic and dynamic dogs, they love being outdoors, so dedicating considerable time to walks and exercises outside the home will be an excellent option for the physical and emotional well-being of our pet. Ideal for families with young children, single people or a company of older adults. However, in homes where there are small children, it is not recommended as a pet, because they are fragile canines and can be injured by the treatment of the little ones in the house.

Education of the small crested dog

Training this dog is one of the simplest issues in the maintenance of this pet. For those who decide to adopt him, they should know that he is an intelligent, docile and obedient dog, so educating him will be very easy. This does not mean that education should be taken lightly; on the contrary, it is essential that this point be considered one of the main points in crested breeding if behavioral problems in the canine are to be avoided. It is worth mentioning that positive reinforcement will always be the best tool to carry out effective education in these dogs. Although they learn very easily and quickly , traditional training techniques do not yield the expected results, since the dog will not feel completely comfortable with it.

A weakness of these dogs is that they do not usually stand out in dog sports, mainly because they are not well known publicly. However, in aspects related to obedience, they stand out favorably when they are well educated. An issue that should not be overlooked is that these dogs require, among other things, constant company, exercises and education. These three aspects will significantly define the personality of our pet. All of this must be practiced from the first weeks of the puppy's life, in this way it is possible to ensure that it becomes a well-educated animal and does not present any type of alteration in behavior.


Although it is thought that small breeds are more fragile to diseases, in the case of this specimen, it is quite the opposite. It is a generally healthy species. Unlike various breeds, genetic diseases are not usually present in them. However, there are pathologies that can affect some specimens of the breed:

Calvé-Perthes-Legg disease

Calvé-Perthes.Legg disease is a degenerative disease, also known as avascular necrosis. This condition usually affects young dogs mainly between 4 and 12 months. Its main characteristic is the rapid degeneration of the head of the femur.

Patellar dislocation

It happens when the dog's knee moves from its natural place. It is common to notice that the dog will keep the affected leg up, which will hinder its normal mobility.

Early tooth loss

In the case of this breed, it is common for some specimens to be affected by this phenomenon and suffer the loss of their teeth from an early age.

skin lesions

Especially those without hair, they are more likely to suffer skin lesions, burns or allergies, because they are more exposed to agents that cause them. It is important in the case of these canines to take into consideration the necessary care to avoid the appearance of any of these pathologies that may affect their health and well-being to a greater or lesser extent.


If there is one aspect that should not be overlooked, it is the care it must receive. Only in this way will your health and well-being be guaranteed at all times.

Bath and hygiene

Although the varieties of this canine can remain in the same litter, the care required by the powderpuff or compared to the hairless varies considerably. In the case of bathing and hygiene, it is no exception. The Chinese Crested will need more attention in hair care, especially when it comes to brushing. Their coat requires at least daily brushing to keep it free of dirt and untangled. And a bath every two months or when it is really dirty. If we talk about the short-haired Chinese crested dog, brushing can be more intermittent; doing it weekly is a good alternative to keep the canine clean. If there are knots in the areas with fur, it is best to untangle it manually. Short-haired canines have skin that is more exposed to injuries, therefore, more sensitive, which is why its care is essential. In principle, the use of protector alone should be recommended, ideal for dogs. Additionally complemented with a bath every 15 days using moisturizing shampoo. It is also important to take care of your teeth frequently and keep them clean to avoid tooth loss.


Although not excessively, the Chinese crested dog is an energetic animal, which is why it requires a considerable amount of exercise in its daily life to stay active and discharge all the dynamism accumulated in its body. Going for long walks daily will be a good way to keep him entertained and prevent him from having behavioral problems due to the accumulation of energy. Additionally, at home it is important to maintain a routine of games that are appropriate for your body.


These canines need to be in company most of the time, otherwise they may be affected by anxiety or other ailments. It is important when adopting a canine of this breed to have enough time and availability to dedicate to them so that they feel the love that the entire family has to give them.

Veterinary checks

If something is essential for this and any pet, it is maintaining rigorous veterinary controls. Deworming, vaccination and general medical checks are essential to ensure the dog's health at all times.


Without a doubt, one of the most suitable pets for the whole family is the Chinese crested dog. Cheerful, obedient, friendly and docile, as well as energetic and intelligent, make this pet an ideal companion for every day. We must not forget that whatever the variety, these dogs will require attention, love and, above all, essential care to maintain an adequate physical and emotional balance. Consider whether you have the time and disposition necessary to properly care for these canines. If it is the first time you adopt a pet, this dog may be the best option to start in this world of love and friendship with your new four-legged best friend. Other small dog breeds that may interest you:
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