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Pomeranian | History, characteristics and care

Pomerania | Historia, características y cuidados

Lobo Azul |

Coming from the remote lands of Poland and Germany, the Pomeranian breed canine, also known as the German Dwarf Spitz dog , is one of the best known and bred toy dogs throughout the world.

  • Small size .
  • Weight : Between 1.5kg and 3kg.
  • Hair type : Long, dense and soft.
  • Character : Dominant, territorial, defensive and somewhat alarmist.
  • Health : Excellent health
  • Life expectancy : Between 12 and 16 years.

Its adorable appearance, achieved after the long and sustained action of breeders, constitutes one of its most captivating qualities. Despite having changed its size over the years, the Pomeranian dog retains its robustness and the characteristic coat of dogs from the Spitz family .

His small stature does not completely match his temperament . They are extremely active, territorial, dominant and tend to be aggressive. This last quality is not always present and can be avoided, in a simple way, by socializing the dog from puppyhood with other people and pets.

If you want to know more about this wonderful and interesting species, continue with us and discover everything about the origin and history of the Pomeranian breed , details about its physical traits, behavior, special care and reasons for adoption.

History and origin of Pomeranian dogs

The Pomeranian dog has its origins in the distant lands of present-day Poland and Germany . This territory used to be called Pomeranian, hence the name of the Pomeranian dog or Pomeranian dog .

Former Central Pomerania, like the present-day countries of Germany and Poland, was bordered by the Baltic Sea. In relation to this geographical fact, the region and the famous puppy received its name, since in a very broad sense, the words Pomeranian and Pomeranian mean “area by the sea” and “inhabitant near the sea” respectively.

Like the other species belonging to the Spitz family, since their origins, Pomeranian dogs had a double coat that enabled them to tolerate the inclement and cold climate of Central Europe.

pomeranian breed

This species had previously reached over 10 kilograms and maintained a size corresponding and appropriate to said weight . However, due to the tenacious and persistent action of breeders to adapt it to urban life, this species suffered a significant reduction in both qualities.

Pomeranian dogs, currently, are considered a toy dog ​​due to their small size, weighing between one and a half kilograms, 1.5 kg and just over 3 kg.

Fame did not always accompany this peculiar companion. It was not until the beginning of the 19th century that it gained international relevance, when the then Princess Victoria returned with a dog of this species from a vacation in the beautiful land of Florence. The puppy was named Marco.

Characteristics of Pomeranian dogs

Describing a species is never limited to just its physical appearance. This is a main and extremely important element, but by itself it is very uninstructive. To avoid any kind of insufficiency, it is necessary to complement the knowledge about the aspect.

To do this, it is extremely useful to add information about the general behavior of the species, as well as some other data related to the life process of the species, such as average number of puppies per litter and estimated average lifespan.

The interesting Pomeranian dog has undergone numerous changes in its appearance , driven mainly by human action and specifically by methodical breeding.

german dwarf spitz

Physical features

In previous paragraphs we mentioned the reduced weight and size of the Pomeranian dog . We also mentioned their characteristic coat, appropriate for cold climates. This coat, like that of other species of the spitz family, consists of an inner and outer layer.

The inner layer of fur is the densest and softest. This layer is responsible for maintaining the animal's body heat and is essential for adaptation to humid and cold climates. The outer layer is made up of a long, straight and considerably coarser type of fur.

The Pomeranian has a certain fox-like appearance. Its face has a triangular shape that resembles it, to a considerable degree, to the cunning species . The shape of their ears and their haughty and awake appearance also contribute to this similarity.

The prolonged breeding of the Pomeranian dog not only contributed to the reduction of its size, this practice also allowed a deeper development in terms of the variety of coat colors , so today we can find them in a vast variety of colors.

Character of the Pomeranian dog and its treatment with children

The Pomeranian dog has a dominant character . Despite their small size, these dogs used to be an imposing animal of great strength and size. As they were also adopted for protection and surveillance purposes, it is normal for Pomeranian dogs to still have a territorial, defensive and somewhat alarmist character.

These types of behaviors can be controlled or reduced through early socialization. To do this , it is recommended to expose the Pomeranian puppy from a very young age to the presence of other people, including children (with due precautions).

pomeranian training

Otherwise, due to the natural character of Pomeranian dogs , due to their haughtiness and aggressiveness, they could hurt small children as a defensive response, either private, with respect to their master or with respect to the territory they occupy.

Even though they are small dogs, if they are not well domesticated they could cause considerable damage to people outside the family nucleus just because they are unusual people in the pet's daily environment.

Pomeranian life expectancy

Pomeranian dogs are highly long-lived. They have an average age between 12 and 16 years of life. On top of that, they are hardy and generally in good health.

However, they are subject to diseases like all animal species. Some of the most serious are hypothyroidism, epilepsy, and hypoglycemia. They may suffer, as an effect of old age, from eye problems, such as cataracts or keratoconjunctivitis sicca.

Other problems, but of a bone nature, that Pomeranian dogs can suffer are hip dysplasia and Legg-Calvé-Perthes syndrome , which consists of necrosis of the head of the femur.

Of course, the appearance and permanence of these ailments depend on multiple factors. Naturally, health conditions vary from case to case, but early veterinary care and preventive medicine (relevant care) considerably increase the life expectancy of Pomeranian dogs.

Care for the Pomeranian dog

Before we said that the Pomeranian dog tends to enjoy excellent health and has a high life expectancy by canine standards. However, such an expectation depends on the care taken with the puppy to improve its chances.

Care is not only important to extend the dog's life span, but is strictly necessary to make its stay at home pleasant, healthy and happy. Hygiene care includes the care of fur and teeth.

As for its diet, the Pomeranian requires, like all animals, a balanced diet adapted to its pace of life and its physical characteristics. Additionally, mention will also be made about the care that must be taken with their offspring, that is, with Pomeranian puppies .

adopt a pomeranian


Pomeranian dogs require a lot of time to care for . Like many toy-sized dogs, they are prone to cavities at an early age. These scenarios can cause a lot of discomfort and unnecessary suffering for this pet.

To avoid this type of painful and unpleasant veterinary condition, Pomeranian dogs require monthly cleanings of their teeth and even more frequently if possible.

Pomeranian dog owners must also invest a considerable amount of time in caring for their coat . The outer coat is long and coarse, although it has a straight and glossy appearance, it can easily become tangled, so it is necessary to comb it daily.

Avoiding knots is also important to reduce the degree of dirt present in their coat. As for bathing, it is recommended to bathe Pomeranian dogs frequently, but not excessively .

Making this last mistake could lead to the loss of natural oils that are necessary for your natural defense and hair health. Without these elements, the puppy could develop fleas more easily and have weakness in its coat.


When feeding the Pomeranian, it should not be given foods with sugar and it is necessary to clean its teeth with some regularity.

Pomeranian dogs can suffer from heart conditions such as patent ductus arteriosus, which is why it is advisable to provide them with a balanced diet that does not exceed the amount of saturated fat . These types of foods could cause major long-term complications, reducing your normal life expectancy by several years. Additionally, it is recommended to provide dry food and some useful bones to gnaw on.

These last elements can be essential in maintaining your dental health.

Pomeranian feeding

The best food for small dogs

Pomeranian Puppy Care

Three elements are essential to successfully care for Pomeranian puppies. Such elements are moderate exercise, constant brushing and taking care of your teeth.

In their last puppy stage, Pomeranian dogs suffer considerable fur loss before obtaining their adult coat . This is sometimes misinterpreted as a symptom of poor health and in some cases it could actually respond to a biological problem.

However, it is usually due to a natural growth process. On these days, it is advisable to brush constantly to accelerate the process of shedding the old coat. This allows the creation of the habit in the puppy.

Regarding tooth brushing, Pomeranian dogs are prone to the development of tartar . Therefore, it is very important to keep them extremely clean. While these are puppies, their teeth are growing, which is why they must need some instrument to bite them. It is important that you purchase toys for this purpose, this way you prevent him from biting objects in the house.

Finally, when it comes to exercise, Pomeranian puppies should not overdo their physical activity . This is because they are in the process of growing and any unnecessary and forced effort can potentially cause some atrophy in their muscles.

pomeranian puppy

Why adopt a Pomeranian dog?

In general, there are many reasons to acquire a pet. However, since we are referring exclusively to the Pomeranian breed, we want to mention an element that can be very useful for the family unit.

Pomeranian dogs require a great deal of attention and care . This means that they are an ideal species for building and reinforcing responsibility in the youngest members of our home.

Having a puppy and an adult dog always implies a great responsibility, therefore, this species is ideal in that for its ideal maintenance, it requires a lot of necessary care that all members of the home must be willing to perform.

Pomeranian dogs, as loyal and happy species, will bring numerous satisfactions to their owners, leaving aside all the physical effort that their care requires. Dedication with these small dogs will be greatly rewarded with all their love and affection.

Approximate price of Pomeranian dogs

Finally, if you have decided to include a canine from the wonderful Pomeranian breed in your family , you may be interested in knowing the approximate price they have in pet stores. Prices are variable but generally range between 350 and 450 Euros.

To this base price we should add, in a responsible manner, the amount corresponding to all the elements that are necessary to make your stay in our home a pleasant experience. The first thing you should take into account is their vaccinations and regular visits to the vet. And to care for it, you will need combs, toys, flea collars and a wide variety of elements that make the job of caring for this beautiful pet easier.

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