Diabetes in dogs - Discover its symptoms, causes and treatment
As with people, dogs develop diabetes due to different circumstances , being a disease that can destroy the animal's body if it is not treated in time. The worst thing...
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As with people, dogs develop diabetes due to different circumstances , being a disease that can destroy the animal's body if it is not treated in time. The worst thing...
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Gas in dogs is more common than you imagine, and although there is a wide variety of causes - some completely harmless and sporadic - it can also be a...
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We all want that when we open the door to a new member of the family, he or she can always be happy and healthy, and if possible, last forever....
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Although there are diseases that can be prevented depending on the quality of life of our pet, there are a number of pathologies that appear due to factors that are...
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In addition to affection and companionship, humans can share other things with their pets, including some illnesses. Well yes, there are different diseases that, although it may seem incredible, can...
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