Although feeding our dogs is not a very complicated issue, it should not be taken lightly, since it requires certain care and special attention to guarantee the health of the canine. One of the most frequent mistakes in the nutrition of our pets is feeding them foods that are not suitable for consumption. Generally, we believe that they can consume the same nutrients as us, and the reality is that these can affect them considerably, some to a greater extent than others. But
what human foods are harmful to my dog ? This question can be very common and ignorance of the foods that affect our pet's health causes us to share foods with them that are not indicated. Next, we will show the 10 human foods that do the most harm to your dog.
Although it is a delicious food that our dogs may love, it is highly harmful. Chocolate is characterized by providing energy to our body thanks to a substance called
theobromine ,
a component that the digestive system of dogs does not easily process . Consumption of chocolate can cause everything from vomiting, diarrhea and low blood pressure, to heart attacks or paralysis. Dogs have a much weaker nervous system than a human to protect themselves from this, so processing chocolate is a more complicated issue. Preventing our canine from consuming this product can be harmful to the canine's health.

Grapes and raisins
Regardless of the breed or age of the canine, the consumption of grapes or raisins in minimal quantities
will immediately negatively affect the well-being of the canine . This can cause vomiting, lethargy and even depression in the canine. In addition, raisins can affect the functioning of the canine's kidneys. Therefore, avoiding sharing these foods with dogs is really essential if we want their health to remain stable.
onion and garlic
Both foods contribute to the destruction of red blood cells in the canine's body. Most of the foods cooked at home are seasoned with these products, and although a small amount may not cause discomfort, the frequency with which it is consumed
can cause severe poisoning , which also causes anemia. In canines, anemia manifests itself with loss of appetite, difficulty breathing, vomiting, weakness and fatigue.
Macadamia nuts
This is one of the
foods with the highest level of toxicity if consumed by a canine. Although peanuts are suitable for dogs to consume, all nuts are harmful, and macadamia nuts
can instantly kill your pet . Tachycardia, muscle spasms, frequent vomiting or high fever are the most visible symptoms when the puppy consumes macadamia nuts. Even more so if you consume nuts with chocolate, as both are toxic separately, and together they can be even more harmful.

Despite being a natural food and beneficial to humans, feeding a dog with avocado, even a minimal amount, will considerably affect its health. The content of a substance called
persin means that canines cannot consume it. This substance is found throughout the avocado, so
under no circumstances is it recommended that dogs try this food .
Consumption of dairy products in minimal quantities is not harmful. However, overfeeding your canine with dairy products is not recommended. When it comes to giving your dog rewards, a little cheese is an excellent option. However, consuming ice cream in large quantities or milk can cause parasites, vomiting, diarrhea and even stomach upset that leads to a severe allergy.
Like chocolate consumption,
caffeine is a highly dangerous product for canine consumption . So much so that in large and frequent doses it can considerably affect the dog's health. Dogs' bodies cannot process caffeine in the same way as humans, and the effect will not be the same for the canine, who will be highly affected if you share your coffee with him. Hyperventilation, heart attacks and muscle spasms are the most frequent symptoms that can be observed when the canine has consumed a dose of caffeine that considerably affects its health.
Sweets with xylitol
Xylitol is a component used as a sugar substitute. It considerably harms the health of our canines, so it is necessary to prevent it from being consumed by them. As much as possible, try not to share the sweets you eat with your canine friend. Xylitol as a sugar substitute causes insulin levels in the blood to decrease significantly, causing the liver to function inadequately and the puppy's body to progressively deteriorate. The dog, upon consuming this component, may experience vomiting, lethargy and even seizures.

alcoholic substances
Although it may seem fun to give alcoholic substances to animals, this joke can end up harming your canine's health. Certainly the effect of alcohol consumption is the same in humans and dogs, but it can cause greater harm to the latter. Difficulty breathing, diarrhea, vomiting, and even death are some of the consequences triggered by the supply of alcohol to canines, especially if they are puppies.
Thinking that bones are good food for dogs is a mistake, especially if they are small, sharp bones that can cause choking. Worse still, perforation of the intestine or an intestinal obstruction are the most serious consequences. Although it may seem natural,
feeding bones to dogs is not recommended . They can be replaced by other foods that are of greater benefit to our canines. Now that you know these 10 human foods that should not be consumed by canines, you can avoid feeding them to your pets and make their health a priority. The well-being of our pets is our main responsibility, therefore, to take care of them, aspects such as the foods they can or cannot consume must be considered and in this way keep them healthy.
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