The Retriever breed is made up of a wide variety of canines with very similar characteristics and others that stand out depending on the species. Famous, strong, stylized, of all kinds and with different aspects, among which the Chesapeake Retriever stands out.
- Size : Medium/large.
- Weight : Between 25 and 36kg.
- Hair type : Thick and short
- Character : Intelligent, Affectionate, Cheerful, Dominant, Quiet, Protective.
- Health : Healthy
- Life expectancy : Between 10 and 12 years.
An attractive dog due to its temperament and physical appearance. Energetic, intelligent, docile, protective, loving and hard-working are the main virtues that this dog breed has developed.
In addition, it has more outstanding abilities that make it a very versatile canine. For example, an excellent sense of smell that makes it ideal for use as a hunting dog, or its performance both on land and in water. This Retriever is recognized for being the most resistant of the species .
Its formidable build is evident, which makes it a highly recommended alternative as a companion pet. Although this characteristic has also been the reason for different opinions about the race.
Let's get to know in depth the aspects related to this specimen. Origin, care, physical characteristics, health and temperament of this breed are some of the most important details that will be mentioned in the following article.
If you are considering adopting a Retriever, this may be the option you have been waiting for. Read the information below and find out if it is the ideal pet for you.
History of the Chesapeake Retriever
The history of the Chesapeake Retriever is already known. These canines were used as retriever dogs, because as their name indicates, they “bring back” whatever they are told to do.
However, the history of this particular ship dates back to approximately 1807, with the shipwreck of an English ship off the American coast of Maryland. More specifically in the Chesapeake Bay .
In this shipwreck, two dogs, a male and a female, were rescued by a local ship, which were later given to wealthy people and dog lovers.
Initially, dogs were used for hunting , where they stood out for their excellent skills. Later, they were crossed with another type of retriever with the purpose of improving the conditions of the breed.
The results of these crosses were more favorable than expected. The retrieving ability of these dogs was the highlight. In addition, other breeds were introduced, such as the English Otterhound and the Curly Coated Retriever, among others, which further refined these canines.
This specimen appropriately stood out as a canine with very diverse abilities and an attractive temperament. This made it popular very easily and made it a dog required by many social classes.
Already in 1884, the Chesapeake Retriever had been established as an official breed, used in hunting waterfowl, above all. Subsequently, and to this day, this canine continues to be very useful in this regard.
In addition to hunting ground birds and as a guard dog, its outstanding abilities in sports and as a pet are also undeniable. That is why its recognition has been growing increasingly stronger.
Within the retriever community , this is one of the strongest. It is a canine with a formidable build, robust but not rustic, although it is ideal for aquatic and terrestrial hunting. It has a well-built build, strong legs, as well as its chest and back. It is a medium-sized dog but with great firmness and agility. Which is evident when it is in action in search of prey.Weight and size
Generally, the body of this dog is longer than it is tall. It is medium size. Their dimensions, in the case of males, are between 58 and 66 centimeters. While females reach from 53 to 61 centimeters. The difference diameters are not very noticeable.
As for weight, it is a strong and moderately heavy canine. Males weigh 30 to 37 kilograms. And females can reach between 25 and 32 kilos. In this case, you can differentiate between females and males based on their body structure.
The face and head of the Chesapeake Retriever is one of its most distinctive aspects. He has a hard and strong skull. Its head is prominently rounded, with inconspicuous fur, so the strength of its head is easily visible.
It has a pronounced stop that ends in its protruding mouth, but not wedge-shaped or pointed. These dogs have strong teeth, slightly covered by almost invisible lips. Their facial features are particular to the breed.
The Chesapeake Retriever 's eyes are wide-set, medium-sized, and yellowish or amber in color. Its small ears, set high, are always hanging on both sides of the head. Meanwhile his nose, although medium in size, is visibly notable. Dark in color, usually brown.
The tail of the Chesapeake Retriever is medium in size. Set high, although it does not curl over your back. They maintain a slight straightness in some cases, while in others they curve delicately.
Chesapeake Retriever Coat
Another distinctive detail of the Chesapeake Retriever is, without a doubt, its coat. These dogs belong to the species with a double coat or canvas. This allows them to be temperate canines, that is, resistant to extreme temperatures.
In the case of these, they have thick, short fur, noticeably attached to their skin. This outer layer has slight waves in specific parts of its body, such as the shoulder, neck and back, which protect it from the sun. While the inner layer consists of a denser and softer texture, allowing it to stay warm in low temperatures.
Another characteristic aspect is that its fur is permeable, hence its ease of handling in water. Usually this characteristic is visible because these companions have a very high level of oil on their skin.
As for the colors of the breed, generally the coat of these canines is brown in its different shades. In some cases, it presents with white spots on specific areas of your body, such as your feet.
Character of the Chesapeake Retriever
The temperament of these dogs is a combination of sweetness and protection. It is a pet with notable attributes of loyalty , docile, friendly and above all attentive and intelligent. However, we are also talking about a territorial and protective dog when it comes to its environment.
One of the main abilities of these canines is, without a doubt, being protectors. Given this, living with people outside your relationship can be a bit complicated. Like the presence of other animals, if they feel invaded they can adopt inappropriate behaviors.
Although it is generally not an aggressive dog, we must not forget that it is a hunter and guardian par excellence. In other words, these dogs will not hesitate to step out in a dangerous situation or to run after smaller animals.
Hence the importance of socialization to avoid these behaviors and to make him feel comfortable around some people unknown to him.
The Chesapeake Retriever with children will be friendly, protective and playful. However, it must be emphasized that this is a strong and independent breed, so supervision when playing with the little ones is very important.
It is necessary that you receive a generous dose of daily exercise, so that you can balance your energy in walks and sports routines. Otherwise, you could feel overwhelmed and suffer from anxiety and other alternations.
In addition, it is a very hard-working dog, versatile for adapting to any task that is required. That is to say, a very complete and ideal pet for the whole family .
Training and education of the Chesapeake Retriever
The education of this dog breed can be a controversial topic. It should be noted that although this is a remarkably intelligent and attentive breed, the same dynamism and energy that characterizes them can make them difficult to control on some occasions.
These are strong and active specimens, that is, they require large amounts of exercise to maintain their pace of life. Unfortunately, people accustomed to a calm and sedentary pace of life will not adapt to the pace of this pet.
It is necessary that an experienced person capable of properly handling these canines be present during the training, otherwise the training will not yield favorable results.
This breed does not react well to traditional training based on orders, scolding and violence. On the contrary, this context can trigger inappropriate behavior in the dog.
Innovative and practical methods must be used to carry out the training of the breed. Such as, for example, positive reinforcement and sports such as Agility , whose dynamics will make the dog more willing to comply with commands.
For hunting, they are very agile canines that are very easy to learn. Therefore, extensive knowledge is required to carry out teaching related to canine obedience.
Chesapeake Retriever Health
This dog breed is usually very healthy. Their life expectancy generally exceeds 10 years and up to 12. However, there are some diseases whose genetic origin makes them quite common in these dogs.
The most notable are: visual alterations such as cataracts or progressive queen atrophy or joint problems such as hip dysplasia . Skin changes, such as alopecia, among others.
Outside of pathologies caused by hereditary factors, these are healthy canines, which if maintained with the necessary care will bring joy to their families for a considerable time.
Because it is a strong breed, the Chesapeake Retriever breed is accustomed to a life in the countryside. It is believed that these canines are resistant to all types of eventualities and do not require a great deal of care. This is a common mistake.
The specimens of this dog breed require a considerable amount of care that, although some are more important than others, their life expectancy and, above all, their well-being will depend on it. Some of the most important care are:
Without a doubt, the exercise routine is one of the most essential aspects in the life of this retriever. They require at least three daily walks of up to an hour or more, where they can move freely.
As a rule, they are canines that cannot stand being confined or inactivity, so it is very necessary to comply with this requirement in order to keep them healthy.
It is important that you feel free to move and enjoy exercise, sports and, if possible, swimming to keep your energy level under control.
Although it is a strong and independent dog, company is very necessary for them. They must feel the constant presence of the people close to them, otherwise it is very common for them to suffer from abandonment anxiety or, failing that, they will become a destructive canine to attract attention. It is essential to have adequate time to dedicate to it.
Chesapeake Retriever Hygiene
This aspect is not taken as one of the most demanding. Brushing should be done regularly, at least 2 times a week to maintain proper hygiene. Bathing, on the other hand, is only necessary when the dog is really dirty.
Excessive bathing, in addition to being unnecessary, can cause the dog to lose its natural oils and this can damage its double coat.
Deworming and vaccination
Like any other pet, veterinary check-ups, vaccinations and deworming are essential if you want your canine to maintain an adequate level of health. This will not only keep your immune system strengthened, but will rule out any possible illness.
To sum up
The Chesapeake Retriever will undoubtedly make an excellent pet. As long as the breed is given the necessary care and attention it requires, we will have a hard-working, versatile, strong dog with an unmatched temperament.
If you need a guard dog, a hunter, an agile animal or simply a canine that loves to play sports or run, the Chesapeake Retriever breed is the one for you in each of those aspects. Remember that they love being outdoors, so they are not suitable for living in apartments or closed spaces.
Consider if you will have the time to dedicate to the company of these canines and enjoy the benefits that this breed has to offer you with its excellent presence.
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