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Xoloitzcuintle, an unknown companion

Xoloitzcuintle, un desconocido compañero

Lobo Azul |

Mexico, a country inundated with a vast culture inherited from its indigenous ancestors, with an exquisite and varied gastronomy, a country that maintains great respect for loved ones who have left this world. But it is also the cradle of a very peculiar species of canine, which has been represented in Mexican culture throughout its history. This one is called Xoloitzcuintle and is seen very frequently in rural areas of Mexico as well as in some Central American countries.
  • Size : Small/Medium.
  • Weight : Between 4 and 25kg.
  • Hair type : Hairless.
  • Character : Cheerful, Intelligent, Reserved, Alert, Protective, Sociable, Calm
  • Health : Healthy
  • Life expectancy : Between 12 and 14 years.

Origin of the Xoloitzcuintle

This interesting breed of dog born in Mexican lands, also known in some regions as the Aztec dog, has its origin approximately 3,500 years ago in a place called “Huapalcalco”. When the Spanish arrived to colonize Mexico, they confused the animal with a species of dwarf horse. During the Spanish colonization this canine came to the brink of extinction because in some areas it was used as food. But thanks to the collaboration of the members of the “ Canophile Federation of Mexico ” a movement was created for its preservation. Today it is considered a symbol of Mexican culture and its history.


Below we will see the most outstanding characteristics of the curious Xoloitzcuintle that will make you want to take care of and pamper yours.


This species has the peculiarity of having almost no hair on its body and its skin color is a mix between black and brown in some areas. It has a slim build and elongated legs. Genetically these dogs tend to lose their teeth and hair as they develop, this is known as canine ectodermal dysplasia , this gene is not of a sexual nature but of the genotype as such and is partially dominant. In some cases the Xoloitzcuintle can maintain its coat and this is because the dominant gene for hair loss does not affect all the offspring, but even so the canine still retains that part in its genetic material.
Xoloitzcuintle care
These, having almost no hair, usually suffer scratches and lacerations , but they have a rapid capacity for regeneration in the face of this type of wound. They tend to be cold due to their little fur and their body has to maintain an internal temperature of around 40 degrees Celsius. That is why they are very comfortable in hot climates. Xoloitzcuintle usually weigh 4 to 20 kg. They have triangular ears, which can move forward or backward at will. It has elongated eyes and a long, slender neck.


The Xoloitzcuintle is a dog that shows affection and loyalty to its owner . In its miniature version, they are usually more playful and curious, being able to climb up to 2 meters and get into holes where their head fits. These dogs are territorial, so they are very good at performing jobs as a surveillance and protection dog . They are capable of dying defending their owner and their home. Its coexistence with other animals is usually pleasant (this will depend on the type of training) it does not matter if they are dogs, cats or birds, the Xoloitzcuintle will not cause discomfort to any of these.

General care

The average lifespan of the Xoloitzcuintle is around 12 to 14 years, but if it is well cared for and fed its life expectancy can increase by about 2 more years.
xoloitzcuintle feeding


As for food, it really doesn't usually go beyond normal standards. In his puppy stage you can feed him a good quality puppy dog ​​food. Now, it is true that because it does not have many teeth, it is advisable to add soft and semi-soft foods to its diet. As in its adult dog stage, the Xoloitzcuintle has to change the type of food to one that adapts to its characteristics, which will depend on its size, and likewise introduce soft food into its diet to your greatest comfort.

Xoloitzcuintle hygiene

It is very important for any owner to keep their pet clean, and in the case of the Xoloitzcuintle it is extremely important to constantly take care of their skin , since, as with humans, they can also suffer from dry or oily skin. It is recommended that, in the puppy stage of the Xoloitzcuintle, weekly exfoliations be carried out and moisturizing creams are applied , this is because the puppy's skin usually has a large number of wrinkles.
Xoloitzcuintle puppy
If you are going to receive a lot of sun exposure, you should apply a layer of sunscreen in order to keep your skin protected from the impact of UV rays. Logically, it must be anticipated that these animals are very susceptible to the cold, so when they have prolonged exposure to icy climates, they should be given a coat to minimize the loss of their body heat. In the case of the dental hygiene of the .

Bathing and drying the canine

Because dirt and bacteria tend to lodge in the pores of the Xoloitzcuintle with some frequency, it is recommended to take 2 monthly baths to prevent the appearance of pimples and rashes. It would only be enough to use a special shampoo for dogs and a sponge, if it is of plant origin much better, and then a moisturizing cream for their skin.

Vaccines and dewormers for the Xoloitzcuintle

When the dog is adopted, a letter must be delivered with the vaccines that were given and the date of application. This is to keep track of the vaccines that the animal requires and know the time to reapply the vaccines. In the case of parasites that all other breeds of dogs suffer from, it can be said that the Xoloitzcuintle only needs an intestinal dewormer , since it does not suffer from ticks or fleas.
Xoloitzcuintle dog

The health of this breed

After the problems of losing teeth and caring for their skin, the Xoloitzcuintle does not suffer from any other disease characteristic of the breed, it can be said that they have an excellent immune system and enjoy vitality and energy.

How should you train a Xoloitzcuintle?

This breed is also characterized by being extremely intelligent , if we add to this its affectionate behavior, the result is a dog that is easy to train and obedient to the commands of its owner. Training should begin at a very early age, around 4 or 6 months, so that the child can assimilate the information and memorize it. If he is not trained in his puppy phase, he may find it difficult to assimilate new concepts and rules in adulthood. It must be remembered that the Xoloitzcuintle must not only strive to learn on its own, but also that the owner must possess two fundamental characteristics when teaching it. These aspects are patience and dedication, there is no point in trying to train the canine without keeping this in mind.
Xoloitzcuintli puppies
When training the Xoloitzcuintle, some basic criteria must be taken into account:
  1. Understandable and firm rules : to prevent the dog from not understanding something and getting confused, you have to be firm when giving an order. An example would be that if you do not want the Xoloitzcuintle to get on the bed, you must use the “NO” command and always maintain it.
  2. Carry out short sessions to train him : because dogs have a high capacity to be easily distracted, short training sessions should be carried out (about 10 minutes) so that he does not forget what he has learned.
  3. Stay calm during training : if the dog fails to perform an action, you should not punish it, you just have to stay calm and wait for it to successfully perform the command.
  4. Implement training sessions before mealtime : this will create a relationship between action and reward in the Xoloitzcuintle. This system is the best when training any animal.
The Xoloitzcuintle is a canine with a great amount of energy , so it is recommended that you try to carry out walk routines and play times. This way, the dog will be able to drain all that energy and will be calmer when returning home. If these training routines cannot be scheduled, you should spend time with him and do small physical activities at home. Thus, although it does not drain all the energy, our friend will feel better by giving him a little attention.

Curiosities about these companions

Xoloitzcuintle breed

Etymology of the name Xoloitzcuintle

In Mayan mythology the name Xoloitzcuintle comes from the meanings of the words “ Xólotl ” which is the name of the god of twins and the sunset. And the word “ Itzcuintli ” means dog, so the union of these forms “ Perro de Xólotl ”.


The famous Mexican artist Frida Kahlo, along with Diego Rivera and Rufino Tamayo, had one of these dogs as a pet. And it was so influential for her that several of her works are marked by the Xoloitzcuintle.


In the Pixar animation studio film called Coco you can see how the protagonist is accompanied by his faithful dog named “Dante”. This is a Xoloitzcuintle, and its name “Dante” comes from the name of the main character in “The Divine Comedy” and the relationship that exists between them is that they travel to the underworld (although the Dante of the divine comedy travels through the Catholic underworld).


In Mayan mythology it was believed that the Xoloitzcuintle was a sacred dog , which possessed divine qualities, one of them said that if a In some ethnic groups the Xoloitzcuintle was treated as a God , since it was thought that this was the Xolotl God himself.

As a nationalist symbol

After the Mexican revolution ended, it was decided to use the Xoloitzcuintle as a representative symbol of Mexican culture before it was impregnated with European culture, also representing the legacy of its ancestors. Today the Xoloitzcuintle is considered a representative image of all of Mexico.

At dog shows

Thanks to the great intelligence of the Xoloitzcuintle and its ability to assimilate orders , this breed was able to participate in several canine beauty contests in the United States in the 1980s. Although due to its physical appearance it was unable to obtain greater acceptance among American society. Nowadays it is very common to see them in various dog beauty contests and they have achieved acceptance and affection from the world's population.
train Xoloitzcuintle

Approximate age of the breed and intervention with man

Some specialists agree that the age of the Xoloitzcuintle is approximately 7000 years. The incredible thing is that after so many years of existence this curious dog has not suffered any genetic mutation due to human factors. It could be said that the Xoloitzcuintle belong to the group of oldest dog breeds on the planet and also one of those that still preserve their natural purity.

General analysis of the Xoloitzcuintle

As you can see, this breed of dog has unique qualities and characteristics that make it an ideal pet , since its behavior with family members, friends and acquaintances is very calm and affectionate, to the point of becoming a bit “ clingy". The Xoloitzcuintle as a surveillance dog is very effective because its hearing ability and intelligence make it one of the best security alarms, always being attentive to any strange sound or movement. They have great resistance to diseases due to their strong immune system, in addition to not suffering from flea or tick infestations due to their sparse hair. They are always full of energy to carry out any physical activity, whether outdoors or indoors. And although the Xoloitzcuintle is a fairly unknown breed outside of Mexico and some people dislike its physical appearance, it can be concluded that it is a great dog, an affable and friendly companion.
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