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Papillon - The perfect companion dog

Papillón - El perro de compañía perfecto

Lobo Azul |

If it is a combination of elegance and company, in the world of the canine species there is an animal that meets these characteristics perfectly. Loving, friendly, dynamic and an excellent companion for the home, this is the breed of dog known as Papillon .
  • Small size .
  • Weight : Between 3 and 5kg.
  • Hair type : Long, straight and fine.
  • Character : Intelligent, Cheerful, Friendly, Energetic, Alert
  • Health : May suffer from hereditary eye disorders
  • Life expectancy : Between 12 and 15 years.
The characteristics of this beautiful little canine friend, as well as its history, care and training, are topics that without a doubt should be known before making it our best friend. That is why, on this occasion, we will dedicate the article to this majestic breed, whose quality and origin is covered with the finest interest and relevance. Be sure to read in detail each of the aspects that we have developed for you in this text, as they will surely be very useful to you in the maintenance of this dog breed.


In general, the origin of the Papillon dog , as it is known today, dates back to 1935, when the breed was recognized as such. However, before this period this dog had already gained popularity and prestige. A breed of tiny stature but great popularity in history. Generally associated with high birth. It began to gain recognition around the 16th century, when a renowned artist painted it for the first time. It is important to note that the name of the breed “Papillón” originates from Belgium and France , a country where this word is translated as butterfly . The term was associated with the breed due to the peculiar shape of its ears, which resemble a butterfly in flight, so it was decided to adopt it to identify these dogs. In fact, today, it is recognized as Butterfly Dog or Dwarf Spaniel .
papillon dog
After this, his appearance in different portraits became more frequent, which made him a very famous dog. It was even associated with figures of European royalty , as royal families increasingly took over paintings where this dog appeared. It is even said that Marie Antoinette had a Papillon as a pet. This entire process of fame led to the breed being crossed with other canines in the 19th century, from which the pointy-eared Papillon known today emerged. Since then, its elegance and beauty continue to be a marked beauty of this breed.

Characteristics of the Papillon

Due to his tiny size and corresponding weight, the physical appearance of this little friend is a very short topic. We will precisely detail each of the physical characteristics of this breed.

Size and weight

Depending on your sex, these measurements may vary, but minimally. In both females and males, the height can reach up to 25 centimeters at the withers. While the weight can average between 1.5 and up to 5 kilos.
papillon dog


It is a dog of minimum height and weight , with a fine and elegant build, which allows it to move with great pride and dynamism.


The skull of this breed has a round shape. His face stands out for his finely moderate and protruding snout, shorter than the size of his head. Their dark eyes, usually black, are round and slightly large. The nose of this dog is black and has a flattened shape at the top. The distinctive feature of these animals is their ears . Well, they appear in a pointed shape on top of their head, which gives the figure of a butterfly in full flight, hence the name of the breed.
papillon breed


Thin, covered with hair, and most of the time upright.


Abundant in areas such as ears and tail more than throughout the body. This is white, with spots, which can be black, chestnut, reddish or brown.


Although they are included in the same breed, these dogs can present a differentiation in their ears, which causes them to be divided into two categories:

common papillon

Which has erect ears as it is commonly known.

Continental Phalene Spaniel

It has drooping ears, but with obvious mobility.
Continental Phalene Spaniel

Papillon Behavior

As if its beauty were not enough, the intelligence and sociability of this breed is another of its qualities . We are then faced with a generally well-behaved breed. However, it is good to remember that this aspect will depend a lot on the socialization given to the animal, just as in any other case or with any other breed. It is a happy, dynamic and very alert dog. It is an excellent companion dog , as its adaptation to people and other animals is not a problem. He is also a vigilant par excellence, he perceives strange situations and people with whom he can become very distrustful. In the presence of strangers, he is not so outgoing. However, once he adjusts to the new faces, he will have no problem socializing with them. They love to play, so they are an excellent companion for a home where there are children. However, it must be properly educated so that it does not bite and thus avoid danger. The energy of his body is another characteristic of this little friend, so he will need to exercise, either with long walks during the day or play routines. The truth is that you need to do constant training to channel all your energy. In addition, it is a pet that requires great affection and attention, because they love to give love to their owners, so try to have time to dedicate to it because it loves to be pampered and given your affection for an important part of the day.

The puppies

Although it is a playful breed , puppies are usually no exception to the norm. As they grow, these dogs increase their level of energy, attention and dynamism. That is why starting training at least the third week after birth will be ideal for our Papillon to adopt an obedient and stable behavior.
papillon puppy
As puppies they are usually very noisy, barking excessively. Therefore, educating him so he knows when to stop is a good way to control this behavior. Like any other breed, the puppy's education will greatly influence the behavior that the adult dog develops, so maintaining training according to its age and growth will ensure a dog with appropriate and very loving behavior.


As we have mentioned, the Papillon is an obedient and intelligent dog , so training is not a problem with this breed. Even more so if the training has been taking place since a puppy. As stated, progress in training will be measured as the animal grows. That is, at the stage of adulthood, it is necessary to train him with important topics, useful commands that contribute to a stable and peaceful coexistence inside and outside the home. Some of these commands may be: sit, lie down, stay still, walk next to us, or respond to the call of their owners. Once these commands are learned, any other commands, or some tricks for fun and entertainment, will be much easier. Taking it with you will not be a problem if your dog listens to these instructions easily. Taking advantage of daily walks to train him with tricks and commands can be an excellent idea, even more so because it will contribute to sharing time together. We must also remember the importance of positive reinforcement for training our dogs, in this way the dog will immediately respond to our voice.


In general, we are dealing with a fairly healthy breed . Their life expectancy averages between approximately 10 and 15 years. However, those dogs descended from crossing the same bloodline are at greater risk of some conditions that reduce their well-being. Some of them are:
papillon spaniel


Although it is not a fatal disease, the discomfort it can cause to dogs is quite notable. Papillon dogs often suffer from allergies. Either due to the ingestion of certain foods or, in other cases, due to external factors such as fiber or pollen, among others. Excessive and constant scratching can be a clear sign of the presence of this condition.

Patella dislocation

One of the most common genetic diseases in this breed. It can cause great pain and influence the dog's mobility, stretching and sitting. Frequent moaning and difficulty walking may be a sign of this problem.

Dental problems

Associated with inadequate nutrition and hygiene. These dogs have delicate teeth, so their care must be regular and important to their owners. Although it is not a serious disease, it can influence the well-being of the canine.


This is another genetic condition that can occur in these animals. Mostly it is a chronic syndrome. In any case, maintaining a periodic check-up with the veterinarian and in the presence of these health problems can ensure that our pet Papillon remains in complete and optimal well-being.

Papillon Care

The Papillon is a dog that requires some attention from its owners. So you can't stop reading this part:


Taking care of their coat regularly is important to keep it shiny and tangle-free. Giving him a bath at least twice a month and brushing him two or three times a week with the use of a special softening product for dogs will help keep his coat well cared for.
dwarf spaniel

cold temperatures

An aspect that is of notable relevance in the care of this breed is that, although it has abundant hair, it has only one, which does not protect it from cold temperatures as it should. This exposes our furry friend to colds. Taking the appropriate precautions, ensuring that it stays warm in the winter season, will prevent it from being affected by the weather.


Taking care of your eyes and surroundings is also important. Well, if it is not cleaned frequently, dark or brown spots may appear around them and this gives an unsightly appearance, and it can also make it difficult for our little friend to see.


Take care of your diet because, although it is uncommon, you can suffer from obesity, allergies to inappropriate foods, and problems with your teeth due to poor nutrition. Giving feed according to a small size and age will help him stay completely healthy.


We must not forget that this is a really active dog, which is why it requires long walks during the day, and exercise routines to channel its energy in a positive way. Otherwise, the lack of exercises can be reflected in their behavior.
train papillon dog

Affection and attention

Although it is energetic, it is also a dog that requires a lot of love and attention, try to have enough time to dedicate to this breed.


If you are looking for an attentive, intelligent and obedient dog that also easily adapts to living in small spaces and is easy to train, the Papillon may be the ideal breed for you. These small water dogs are not only intelligent, but also affectionate, so you will not lack fun, entertainment and also the energy to go out for a run or walk. Good training and proper care will make this small animal a healthy and very loving friend that you will undoubtedly never get bored of. More curiosities about dogs and their breeds:
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