Feeding our dogs will always be a topic of great relevance. The well-being of each pet will depend, to a large extent, on this aspect. Therefore, taking care of what you eat, when you eat, and how many times you eat will be essential to ensure that you maintain an adequate balance in your health. In general, pet owners tend to share their food with their canines, a situation that is not recommended. It also happens that they provide the dog with a type of food that is not recommended or of low quality feed, which does not contribute to a healthy diet. It is important to always consider that every aspect of canine nutrition is covered, so that the dog receives, at all times, the necessary nutrients to maintain an adequate state of health. But how to feed the dog correctly? In the following article we tell you 5 guidelines especially aimed at your dog's healthy diet. Don't stop reading this important information. Discover simple and efficient steps to improve your dog's nutrition.
Provides food according to your needs
When it comes to food, there are different aspects that define the type of food we should give our pets. The age and size of the canine will always be relevant when providing any feed. In the puppy stage and in youth, dogs need a greater amount of energy and protein, these aspects must be supplied through feed. It is necessary that dogs, through adequate nutrition, receive the precise amount of nutrients. In relation to size, the growth of a dog varies according to the breed and, based on this, the diet will also vary.
Our pet's nutritional needs will vary depending on its breed and its growth process .

It is also important to highlight that there are different types of feed on the market, with special characteristics to contribute to the nutrition, growth and specific well-being of our pets. Furthermore, it is important to consider the exercise factor in our dogs' diets, since a canine that has an active exercise routine must receive nutrition that provides it with a greater amount of energy and keeps it strong. In these cases, the feed and all the food that the dog receives daily must be indicated for this purpose.
Control portions properly
If there is a common problem in the lives of canines, it is obesity. This condition frequently occurs due to having an incorrect type of diet, almost always from providing food in an exaggerated manner and a large number of times a day. Canine obesity occurs when the animal is fed more times than its body, size, age and breed require. In addition to this, if the feed provided does not meet the nutritional needs, the risk of the dog being affected by excessive fatness will be much greater. Although obesity is not considered a serious problem by most people, the health problems that it can cause to dogs are abundant. From limiting your movement, to heart and bone diseases and even death.

A positive aspect is that
being overweight can be avoided in different ways. The main thing is to feed the canine rigorously. Although there are human foods that can be shared with the dog, it is not always the most appropriate, as this contributes to its weight gain. It is important to avoid falling into the canine's requests for food, since not only does it create a habit in the animal to make faces to ask for food, but it also causes the canine to not be satisfied with the portion of food that is provided. and insist on receiving more. It is best to
control portions appropriately . To do this, it is important to get a feed that meets its nutritional needs and also provides what the dog truly requires to remain satisfied until receiving its next portion of food.
Choose a good quality feed
Seeking to economize when talking about dog food is one of the most common mistakes and one of the biggest risks that exist. We must remember that our canine's diet influences a large percentage of its health and well-being. For this reason, it is important that he maintain a medium-high level of quality in his diet. In general, feed with these characteristics is more expensive. However, this will ensure greater benefit to our pet. The best way to guarantee a balanced diet that in turn provides the canine with the nutritional needs it requires for its growth, is by providing it with a feed that meets all these characteristics of greater digestibility, a large amount of nutrients and energy contributions, among others. others. It must be considered that although feed with the aforementioned aspects usually costs more than a simple feed, the benefits it provides to our pet will be reflected in its behavior and even in its physical appearance, since a quality diet even influences the shine and condition of our friend's coat and skin. Another important detail is that quality feed not only benefits its diet, but also contributes to the dog's dental health. Generally, more expensive foods help prevent gum inflammation and gingivitis. These reasons are more than enough to provide an adequate and quality diet in the life of your canine friend. Remember that our pets deserve the best and one way to ensure their well-being and health is by providing them with a large amount of love and good nutrition.
Don't feed him outside of time
One of the main causes of obesity and overweight in our pets is feeding them outside of their normal time. Our dogs are olfactory by nature, when they perceive the smell of a pleasant food, they will want to receive some and will insist until they get it. This fact can be repeated frequently, but instead of doing our pet a favor, what is being caused is that there is a notable lack of control in its diet, to the point of becoming overweight. If we want our pet to be adequately fed, it is important
not to provide food outside of its normal hours . In addition, it is necessary to avoid giving more than your share at the correct time.

Although it is difficult to resist the tender look of our dog asking you to share your meals, you should ignore his request and get his attention seriously, so that he understands that he should not ask for your food. With this, you will not only get your pet to stop the bad habit of asking for food, but you will also be able to have a healthy and balanced diet. Also, don't forget to keep your food out of your pet's reach, because if it were to consume the wrong food, it could trigger an allergy or a severe gastric condition. The best option will be to avoid snacking between meals and thus keep our dog healthy and strong.
Discuss your canine's diet with the veterinarian.
Although there are aspects known to anyone in relation to feeding a canine, it is best for the veterinarian to guide you about which foods are appropriate for our pets and in what quantity. It is important that every aspect related to our pet's diet and feeding be previously advised by the specialist. In this way it will be carried out in the most correct way possible and the well-being of the dog will be guaranteed. If you intend to change any detail in your pet's nutrition, be it the feed, the schedules or the food rations you provide, it is necessary to consult directly with the veterinarian first. This is essential. Your dog's doctor is the one who will determine what the process will be to make any changes to his diet. In addition, he or she will be able to advise you about the reactions that these changes may have in the dog and will also prepare you to act favorably in the face of it. In cases where canines have special dietary needs, whether due to some health condition or another aspect, the specialist's guidance should be essential, because they will provide information about what the canine can consume and in what quantity. Although simple, these five guidelines are essential to carry out a healthy diet for your dog. Each of these aspects will help you have a healthy, strong and happy pet.
Check out more tips on dog feeding: